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Come On Come On

Steps: 48             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Easy Intermediate
Musik: Dance With Me Tonight by The Wonders (Album: Soundtrack from That Thing You Do!), Length: 2:05, BPM: 142,(With Intro Version by Julia, Length: 2:12 )      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Julia Wetzel - September, 2016

Note: The original version of this song has a 1 sec intro so I created a special version with an 8 sec intro.
Please contact me by email if you would like a copy.

Intro: Start dance on Lyrics “Baby”, right after lyrics ”Come on pretty” (1 sec into track),
(With Intro Version by Julia – 16 counts from Lyrics ”Dance” (8 sec into track))

[1 – 8] Cross, Point, Cross Point, Weave, Kick,
1 - 4Cross R over L (1), Point L to left side (2), Cross L over R (3), Point R to right side (4) 12:00
5 - 8Cross R over L (5), Step L to left side (6), Step R behind L (7), Kick L to left Diag. (10:30) (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] Behind, Side, Cross, Point, Monterey ½, Point, Back Rock
1 - 4Step L behind R (1), Step R to right side (2), Cross L over R (3), Point R to right side and prep for turn Monterey Turn (4) 12:00
5 - 6½ Turn right on L step R next to L (5), Point L to left side (6) 6:00
7 - 8Small rock back on L (7), Replace weight on R (8) 6:00
Note: This back rock is done mainly in place

[17 – 24] Hip Bumps/Toe Strut L R, Step, ¼, Cross, Touch
1&2Step ball of L fw and bump hip left (1), Bump hip right (&), Step L down and bump hip left (2)
Toe Strut Option: Step ball of L fw (1), Step L heel down (2) 6:00
3&4Step ball of R fw and bump hip right (3), Bump hip left (&), Step R down and bump hip right (4) 6:00
Toe Strut Option: Step ball of R fw (3), Step R heel down (4)
5 - 8Step L fw (5), Pivot ¼ turn right step R to right side (6), Cross L over R (7), Touch R next to L (8) 9:00

[25 – 32] Dwight Swivel, Side, ¼ Touch, Side, Touch
1 - 4Swivel L heel to right and tap R toe next to L (1), Swivel L toe to right and tap R heel next to L (2), Swivel L heel to right and tap R toe next to L (3), Swivel L toe to right and tap R heel next to L (4) 9:00
Easier Option: Swivel both heels to right (1), Swivel toes to right (2), Swivel heels to right (3), Swivel toes to right weight ending on ball of L (4)
Note: Body should move towards right side while swiveling with either option
5 - 8Step R to right side (5), ¼ Turn left touch L next to R (6), Step L to left side (7), Touch R next to L (8) 6:00

[33 – 40] Hop Fw, Clap, Hop Back, Clap, Sugar Foot Walk
&1, 2Hop R fw (&), Step L next to R (1), Clap (2) 6:00
&3, 4Hop R back (&), Step L next to R (3), Clap (4) 6:00
5 - 8Twist lower body right and step R fw (5), Twist left and step L fw (6), Twist right and step R fw (7), Twist left and step L fw (8) 6:00
Styling: Step fw on ball of foot with foot turned out. Bend knees slightly and walk forward with body slightly leaned back

[41 – 48] Out, Out, Heel Bounces, In, In, Twists
&1, 2 - 4Step R fw to right side (&), Step L to left side (1), Bounce heels 3 times weight ending on L (2-4) 6:00
*Restart here on Wall 4 facing 12:00
&5, 6 - 8Step R to center (&), Step L next to R (5), Twist in place by swiveling both heels to right (6), heels to left (7), heels to right weight ending on L (8) 6:00

Restart: On Wall 4 dance up to Count 44 facing 12:00, skip the last 4 counts and start Wall 5




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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On

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Come On Come On