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Down to the river
2 Niveau:
Intermediate / Advanced
Musik: Going Down To The River by Doug Seegers, Jill Johnsson & Magnus Carlson. Kunstner:
Koreograf: Klara Wallman (Swe) May 2014
Start on vocals, 16 counts intro.
Walk, Walk, Out, Out, Together, Cross, Back, Shuffle ½, with Sweep.
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2).
&3-4Step R out to R side (&), Step L out to L Side (3), Step R next to L (4).
5-6Cross L over R (5), Step R back (6).
7&8Turn ½ left stepping L forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward as you sweep R from back to front (8).
Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Back, Back, Touch, Touch, Pivot ½.
1-2&Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2), Step R back (&).
3-4&Cross L over R (3), Step R back (4), Step L back (&).
5&6&Touch R forward (5), Step R next to L (&), Touch L forward (6), Step L next to R (&).
7-8Step R forward (7), Pivot ½ left (8).
Walk, Walk, Anchorstep, Bodyroll x2.
1-2Step R forward (1), Step L forward (2).
3&4Step right behind left and rock back (3), recover weight to left (&), rock back on right (4).
5-6&Step L back as you bodyroll back (5-6), Step R next to L (&).
7-8&Step L back as you bodyroll back (7-8), Step R next to L (&).
Turn ¼, Walk, Rock step, Big step, ¼ Cross shuffle.
1-2Turn ¼ left step L forward (1), Step R forward (2).
3-4Rock L forward (3), Recover onto R (4).
5-6Take a big step back w. L (5), Drag R towards L (6).
&7&8Turn ¼ L step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (7), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (8).
Turn ¼, Turn ¼, ½ Shuffle, Cross, Back, Back, Touch, Touch.
1-2Turn ¼ R step R forward (1), Turn ¼ R step L forward (2).
3&4Turn ½ R step R forward (3), Step L beside R (&), Step R forward (4).
5-6&Cross L over R (5), Step R back (6), Step L back (&).
7&8&Touch R forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Touch L forward (8), Step L next to R (&).
Restart here at wall 3.
Walk, Rock step x3, Big step, Shuffle.
1-2&Step R forward (1), Rock L forward (2), Recover onto R (&).
3&4&Rock L back (3), Recover onto R (&). Rock L forward (4), Recover onto R (&).
5-6Take a big step back w. L (5), Drag R towards L (6).
&7&8Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8).
Restart here at wall 4.
Rock step, Turn ¼, Rock step, Behind, Side, Shuffle.
1-2Rock R forward (1), Recover onto L (2).
&3-4Turn ¼ L step R next to L (&), Rock L to L side (3), Recover onto R (4).
5-6Step L behind R (5), Step R to R side (6).
7&8Step L forward (7), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (8).
Pivot ½, Turn ½, Turn ½, Turn ¼, Hiproll.
1-2Step R forward (1), Pivot ½ left (2).
3-4Turn ½ L step R back (3), Turn ½ L step L forward (4).
&5Turn ¼ L step R to R side (&), Step L to L side (5).
6-7-8Do a big counter clockwise circle with your hip, End with weight on L.
Start again!
Restart 1: At 3 Wall after 40 counts, (facing 6.00).
Dance 36 steps of the dance, than leave out the 4 last step in the fifth section and instead do
the 4 last step of the dance before you start again:
&37Step L to L side (&), step R to R side (37).
38-39-40Do a big counter clockwise circle with your hip, End with weight on L (38-40).
Start again!
Restart 2: At 4 wall after 48 counts, (facing 12.00).
Dance 44 steps of the dance, than leave out the 4 last step in the sixth section and instead do:
45-46-47Take a big step back w. L (45), Drag R towards L (46-47).
&48Step R next to L (&), Take a small step forward w. L (48).
Start again!
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |
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Down to the river |