Seasunliners  Sorø
Sorø Kultur og Fritidscenter (Værkerne)
Frederiksvej 27, 4180 Sorø
Klub Email:
Tlf. 28152035


Stepsheets & Video
som især danses i Danmark

For dem der elsker linedance

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Sidste nye
Årsdanse 2023/24

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Linedance top 10
Personlig hitliste uge 4


Dans navn nr 1 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 2 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 3 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 4 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 5 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

Sidst rettet

Ret personlig hitliste
og deltag i afstemningen

1. Klik på den nye dans i gult område (ikke på linket)
2. Et rettevindue med din hitliste åbnes.
3. Klik på den dans i rettevinduet der skal ud istedet for den nye dans.
4. Flyt evt. placeringer med pilene.
5. Afslut med tast på "Stem"


Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Don’t by Ed Sheeran (3:39; 95 BPM). iTunes      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Amy Glass (July 2014)

16 count intro; dance starts on lyrics

[1-8] Walk R, L, Out, Out, In, Cross, Hip Bump ¼ L, Coaster
1-2Walk forward R, L
&3&4Step R out, L out, R in, Cross L over R
5-6Bump R hip to R side, Place weight on R while turning ¼ L (9:00)
7&8Step L back, R beside L, L forward (9:00)

[9-17] Kick Ball, Rock Recover, Cross & Cross, Sway, Sway, Sway with ¼ L, Kick Ball Step
1&Kick R foot forward, Step on ball of R foot
2&Rock L to L side, Recover weight on R
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L over R
5-6-7Step R to R while swaying R, Sway L, Sway R while turning ¼ L (6:00)
8&1Kick L foot, Step on ball of L, Step forward R (6:00)

[18-24] Touch, Prep, Rolling Turn, Point,1/4 L Step/Sweep, Cross
2Touch ball of L foot next to R
3Step L to L side, prep to turn R by actually stepping more to 4:30
4&5Make a rolling full turn to the R
[Turn ¼ R stepping forward R (9:00), ½ R stepping back L (3:00), ¼ R stepping side R (6:00)]
6Point L to L side (6:00) [style/prep body by turning shoulders to 7:30]
7Turn ¼ L while placing weight on L and sweeping R in front of L (3:00)
8Cross R over L

[25-32] Step Back, Side Rock, Step Back, Side Rock, Step Back, Walk R, L, Paddle Turn ¼ x 2
1Step back on L
2&3Rock R to R side, recover weight on L, Step back R
&4&Rock L to L side, recover weight on R, Step back L
5-6Walk forward R, L
&7(Hitch R)** Turn ¼ L while pointing R to R side (paddle turn) (12:00)
&8(Hitch R)** Turn ¼ L while pointing R to R side (paddle turn) (9:00)
**Styling These Paddle Turns are intended to be smooth, so while turning ¼ the R knee technically hitches, don’t exaggerate the hitch but rather focus on pointing the R foot

Overall styling: This dance is West Coast Swing rhythm and should be danced smoothly. The kick ball steps should have no “hop” to them and could be thought of as a touch-ball-step. Imagine your feet are gliding on the floor while dancing this dance.

Ending: On the 10th wall, the paddle turns will take you back to the back wall and the music ends. When doing these paddle turns, paddle back to the front wall instead.

Have fun!




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