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2 Niveau:
Easy Intermediate
Musik: Dance The Night - Dua Lipa Kunstner:
Koreograf: Romain Brasme (FR), Guillaume Richard (FR) & José Miguel Belloque Vane (NL) - May 2023
Intro: 16 Counts
Tag 1 : During wall 2, after 16 counts and at the end of wall 4, add these next 10 counts:
1-4Bump hips to L (1), Bump hips to R (2), Bump hips to L (3), Make ½ turn L as you hitch R knee (4)
5-10Bump hips to R (5), Bump hips to L (6), Step RF fwd (7), Rise on R toes as you hitch L knee and bring your R index up (8-9), Step down on LF (10)
Tag 2 : At the end of wall 3, add these next 4 counts:
1-4Swing hips to R (1), Swing hips to L (2), Swing hips to R (3), Swing hips to L (4)
[1 – 8] Step, ½ step Back, ¾ Sailor Cross, Hitch, Side, Touch Back, Clap x2
1-2Step RF fwd (1), Make ½ turn R stepping LF back (2) 6:00
3&4Make ¼ turn R crossing RF behind LF (3), Make ¼ turn R stepping LF next to RF (&), Make ¼ turn R crossing RF over LF (4) 3:00
5-6Hitch L knee (5), Step LF to L (6) 3:00
7&8Touch RF behind LF (7), Clap your hands x2 (&8) 3:00
[9 – 16] Side Rock x2, ¼ Sailor Step, Scuff, Step & Touch
1-2Step RF to R (1), Recover on LF (2) 3:00
&3-4Step RF next to LF (&) Step LF to L (3), Recover on RF (4) 3:00
5&6Cross LF behind RF (5), Make ¼ turn L stepping RF next to LF (&), Step LF fwd (6) 12:00
7&8Scuff R fwd (7), Step down on RF (&), Touch L toes behind RF (8) 12:00
[17 – 24] Side Rock, ½ turn Sweep, Cross, Coaster Step, Heels Swivel
1-2Step LF to L (1), Recover on RF (2) 12:00
3-4Make ¼ turn L stepping on LF as you start sweep RF to the front (3), Make ¼ turn L as you continue to sweep RF to the front (4) 12:00
5-6&Cross RF over LF (5), Step LF back (6), Step RF next to LF (&) 6:00
7&8Step LF fwd (7), Swivel both heels to L (&), Bring back both heel in center (8) 6:00
[25 – 32] Pony Steps Back x2, Coaster Step, Out Out, Clap x2
1&2Step LF back as you hitch R knee (1), Step down RF next to LF (&), Step LF back as you hitch R knee (2) 6:00
3&4Step RF back as you hitch L knee (3), Step down LF next to RF (&), Step RF back as you hitch L knee (4) 6:00
5&6Step LF back (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF fwd (6) 6:00
&7&8Step RF to R (&), Step LF to L (7), Clap your hands x2 (&8) 6:00
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