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Yellow Lines
4 Niveau:
Musik: Yellow Lines - Brendan James Kunstner:
Koreograf: Romain Brasme (FR), Marlon Ronkes (NL) & Gregory Danvoie (BEL) - August 2023
SEC 1 Side rock, recover, sailor with ¼ turn, sailor with ½ turn, kick ball change
1-2RF side rock to the R, recover on L
3&4RF cross behind LF with ¼ turn R, LF next to RF, RF step forward
5&6LF cross behind RF with ½ turn L, RF next to LF, LF step forward
7&8RF kick forward, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
SEC 2 Step forward to the diagonal (jump), touch, hold, step forward to the diagonal (jump), touch, hold, step forward, pivot with ½ turn to the L, full turn to the L
&1-2RF jump forward to the R diagonal, LF touch next to RF, hold
&3-4LF jump forward to the L diagonal, RF touch next to LF, hold
5-6RF step forward, pivot with ½ turn to the L
7-8RF step back with ½ turn to the L, LF step forward with ½ turn to the L
*RESTART wall 3
SEC 3 Rock forward, recover, step together, Rock forward, recover, step back X2, coaster step
1-2&RF rock forward, recover on L, RF step next to LF
3-4LF rock forward, recover on R
5-6LF step back, RF step back
7&8LF step back, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
**RESTART wall 8
SEC 4 Touch, hold, step together, touch switches X2, heel grind with ¼ turn, step together, touch forward, clap x2, step together
1-2&RF touch to the R side, hold, RF step next to LF
3&4LF touch to the L side, LF step next to RF, RF touch to the R side
5-6&RF heel forward, pivot with ¼ turn to the R, RF step next to LF
7&8&LF touch forward, clap X2 (count &8), LF next to RF to restart the dance
Tag at the end of wall 2:
1-4RF step to the R side & rise your hands with an arc of a circle
5-8Hands down
Restart at wall 3 after the second section*
Restart at wall 8 after the third section**
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Yellow Lines |
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Yellow Lines |
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Yellow Lines |
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Yellow Lines |
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Yellow Lines |
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Yellow Lines |
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Yellow Lines |
Youtube Video |
Yellow Lines |
Youtube Video |
Yellow Lines |