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Needs & Wants
2 Niveau:
Musik: Bring It On Over by Billy Currington (iTunes) Kunstner:
Koreograf: Heather Barton (SCO) & Lee Hamilton (SCO) - March 2020
Section 1 [1-8] Walk RL, R Shuffle Fwd, L Mambo with 1/2 L, R Side Chasse with 1/4 L
1 2Step R Fwd (1), Step L Fwd (2), 12:00
3&4Step R Fwd (3), Close L beside R (&), Step R Fwd (4), 12:00
5&6Rock L Fwd (5), Recover onto R (&), Make a 1/2 L by stepping L Fwd (6), 6:00
7&8Make a 1/4 L by stepping R to R side (7), Close L beside R (&), Step R to R side (8), 3:00
Section 2 [9-16] L Sailor Step, R Behind - L Side - R Cross, L Side Rock, L Behind - R Side, L Fwd
1&2Cross L Behind R (1), Step R slightly to R Side (&), Step L to L Side (2), 3:00
3&4Cross R Behind L (3), Step L to L Side (&), Cross R over L (4), 3:00
5 6Rock L to L Side (5), Recover onto R (6), 3:00
7&8Cross L Behind R (7), Step R to R Side (&), Step L Fwd (8), 3:00
Section 3 [17-24] R Shuffle Fwd, L Mambo with 1/4 L, R Shuffle Fwd, L Mambo with 1/4 L
1&2Step R Fwd (1), Close L beside R (&), Step R Fwd (2), 3:00
3&4Rock L Fwd (3), Recover onto R (&), Make a 1/4 L by stepping L Fwd (4), 12:00
5&6Step R Fwd (5), Close L beside R (&), Step R Fwd (6), 12:00
7&8Rock L Fwd (7), Recover onto R (&), Make a 1/4 L by stepping L Fwd (8), 9:00
Section 4 [25-32] 2 X Vaudevilles, R Fwd, L Together, 2 X 1/8 Heel Bounce L
1&2&Cross R over L (1), Step L to L Side (&), Touch R Heel Fwd to R Diagonal (2), Close R beside L (&), 9:00
3&4&Cross L over R (3), Step R to R Side (&), Touch L Heel Fwd to L Diagonal (4), Close L beside R (&), 9:00
5 6Step R Fwd (5), Close L beside R (6), 9:00
7 8Bounce Both Heels and make 1/8 L (7), Bounce Both Heels and make 1/8 L (8), 6:00
Restarts on Walls 3 & 6.
On Wall 3, in Section 3, Counts 7&8 become:
7&8Rock L Fwd (7), Recover onto R (&), Close L beside R (8),
On Wall 6, in Section 2, Counts 7&8 become:
7&8Cross L Behind R (7), Make a 1/4 R stepping R Fwd (&), Step L Fwd (8),
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