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Little Country Race
4 Niveau:
Musik: Honky Tonk Race by Shelby Lee Lowe. Track Length: 3.10. Buy on iTunes, Etc. Kunstner:
Koreograf: Niels Poulsen (DK): August 2018
Intro: 32 counts from when the beat kicks in (app. 13 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot
Easy Tag: After wall 10 (starts facing 3:00) there’s a 4 count Tag facing 6:00. See description below
[1 – 8] Extended R vine, stomp R, L heel toe heel
1 – 5Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (3), cross L over R (4), stomp R to R side (5) 12:00
6 – 8Swivel L heel to R side (6), swivel L toes to R side (7), swivel L heel next to R (8) 12:00
[9 – 16] L & R step kicks, L vine with ¼ L scuff
1 – 4Step L to L side (1), kick R slightly over L (2), step R to R side (3), kick L slightly over R (4) 12:00
5 – 8Step L to L side (5), cross R behind L (6), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (7), scuff R heel fwd (8) 9:00
[17 – 24] Fwd, tap behind, back, kick, back, hook, fwd, scuff
1 – 4Step R fwd (1), tap L toes behind R foot (2), step L back (3), kick R fwd (4) 9:00
5 – 8Step R back (5), hook L in front of R shin (6), step L fwd (7), scuff R heel fwd (8) 9:00
[25 – 32] R jazz box ¼ R, fwd L, R jazz box ¼ R, L cross
1 – 4Cross R over L (1), start turning ¼ R stepping L back (2), finish ¼ R stepping R to R side (3), step L fwd (4) 12:00
5 – 8Cross R over L (5), start turning ¼ R stepping L back (6), finish ¼ R stepping R to R side (7), cross L slightly over R (8) 3:00
Start again
Tag: 4 count Tag after wall 10, facing 6:00, Two diagonal step touches with claps:
1-4Step R diagonally fwd R (1), touch L next to R and clap (2), step L diagonally back L (3), touch R next to L and clap (4) –
Then start the dance again still facing 6:00
Ending: To finish at 12:00. Last wall is wall 13 (starts facing 12:00). Do up to count 28, now facing 12:00.
Then just do a normal R jazz box without turning ¼ R on counts 5, 6 but stomping R to R side on count 7 - 12:00
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Little Country Race |
Youtube Video |
Little Country Race |
Youtube Video |
Little Country Race |
Youtube Video |
Little Country Race |
Youtube Video |
Little Country Race |
Youtube Video |
Little Country Race |
Youtube Video |
Little Country Race |