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4 Niveau:
Easy Improver
Musik: Living Next Door to Alice – Smokie (From the album The Best of Smokie) 3 mins 27 seconds Kunstner:
Koreograf: Daniel Whittaker – April 2018
NOTE: Start on main vocals (heavy beat) – 39 second intro
TAG: On wall 8 dance up count 20, then add the 8 count Tag
[1-8] Jazz Box, Kick ball cross, stomp kick
1-4Step right over left, step left back, step right to right side, step left over right 12:00
5&6Kick right to right corner, step right beside left, step left over right 12:00
7-8Stomp right beside left, kick right to right corner 12:00
[9-16] Behind, side, cross shuffle, step ¼ turn, shuffle left forward
1-2Step right behind left, step left to left side 12:00
3&4Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right over left 12:00
5-6Step left to left side, make ¼ turn right 03:00
7&8Shuffle forward L-R-L 03:00
[17-24] Step point, cross point, point front, point side, behind point
1-2Step right forward, point left to left side 03:00
3-4Step left over right, point right to right side *** TAG HERE DURING WALL 8 ** 03:00
5-6Point right in front of left, point right to right side 03:00
7-8Step right behind left, point left to left side 03:00
[25-32] Left sailor step, right sailor step, behind unwind, step pivot
1&2Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left side 03:00
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side 03:00
5-6Touch left toe back, unwind ½ turn left 09:00
7-8Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left 03:00
*** TAG - DURING WALL 8 ***
Dance up to count 20 and you’ll end up facing 12:00, the music will slow down a bit and the beat will drop add the following steps …
1-4Rock right forward, recover weight on left, rock right back, recover weight on left 12:00
5-8Step forward right (12), make ½ turn left (6), step forward right (6), make ½ turn left (12) 12:00
Contact: - - Mobile number: 07739 352209
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