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Vanotek Cha
2 Niveau:
Intermediate Cha Cha
Musik: Back To Me by Vanotek (feat. Eneli) Kunstner:
Koreograf: Gary OReilly (Ire) March 2018
#32 count intro
Section 1: ½ Monterey R, Cross Back Together, Walk, Walk, Anchor Step
1 2 3Point R to R side (1), sharp ½ turn R bringing R next to L (2), point L to L side (3) (6:00)
4 & 5Cross L over R (4), step back on R (&), step L next to R (5)
6 7Walk forward on R (6), walk forward on L (7)
8 & 1Lock R behind L (8), step weight onto L (&), step slightly back on R (1)
Section 2: 1/2, 1/2, L Chasse, Cross Rock, R Chasse
2 3½ L stepping forward on L (2), ½ L stepping back on R (3) (6:00)
4 & 5Step L to L side (4), step R next to L (&), step L to L side (5)
6 7Cross rock R over L (6), recover on L (7)
8 & 1Step R to R side (8), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (1)
Section 3: Hold, & Side, Hold, & 1/4, Pivot 1/2, Lock Step Forward
2 & 3HOLD (2), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (3)
4 & 5HOLD (4), step L next to R (&), ¼ turn R stepping forward on R (5) (9:00)
6 7Step forward on L (6), pivot ½ turn R (7) (3:00)
8 & 1Step forward L (8), lock step R behind L (&), step forward L (1)
Section 4: Kick Back Touch, Lock Step Forward, Pivot 1/2, 1/4 Side, Together
2 & 3Kick R forward (2), step back on R (&), touch L next to R sitting into R hip with L knee bent (3)
4 & 5Step forward L (4), lock step R behind L (&), step forward L (5)
6 7Step forward on R (6), pivot ½ turn L (7) (9:00)
8 &¼ turn L stepping R to R side (8), step L next to R (&) (6:00) *Restart during wall (5)
Section 5: Side Behind Rock, Side Rock Cross, Back, Side, Cross Shuffle
1 2 3Step R to R side (1), cross rock L behind R on slight diagonal left (2), recover on R (3) (6:00)
4 & 5Rock L to L side (4), recover on R (&), cross L over R (5)
6 7Step back on R pushing hips back (6), step L to L side (7)
8 & 1Cross R over L (8), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (1)
Section 6: Side Rock 1/4, Lock Step Forward, 1/2, 1/2, Side Rock Cross
2 3Rock L to L side (2), recover on R making ¼ turn R (3) (9:00)
4 & 5Step forward L (4), lock step R behind L (&), step forward L (5)
6 7½ turn L stepping back on R (6), ½ turn L stepping forward on L (7) (9:00)
8 & 1Rock R to R side (8), recover on L (&), cross R over L (1)
Section 7: Diagonal Rock, Behind Side Cross, Diagonal Rock, Behind ¼ Forward
2 3Rock forward on L towards L diagonal (7:30) (2), recover on R (3)
4 & 5Cross L behind R (4), step R to R side (&), cross L over R (5) (9:00)
6 7Rock forward on R towards R diagonal (10:30) (6), recover on L (7)
8 & 1Cross R behind L (8), ¼ turn L stepping slightly forward on L (&), step forward on R (1) (6:00)
Section 8: Pivot 1/2, 1/2 Turning Lock Step Back, Rock Back, Step Together
2 3Step forward on L (2), pivot ½ turn R (3) (12:00)
4 & 5¼ turn R stepping L to L side (4), lock step R over L (&), ¼ turn R stepping back on L (5) (6:00)
6 7Rock back on R (6), recover on L (7)
8 &Step forward on R (8), step L next to R (&)
*Restart after 32 counts during wall 5 facing (6:00)
** Ending, finish facing the front (12:00), after Wall 6 on count 1 with a point to R side.
Contact: Gary O’Reilly - - 00353857819808
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