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Dans navn nr 1 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 2 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 3 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 4 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 5 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

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Harden Up Princess

Steps: 64             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate Pop
Musik: Live While Were Young, By One Direction. Album: Live While Were Young – EP, iTunes (3:18)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Simon Ward, Aust, June 2016

Notes: 8 count Tag end of Wall 2, Restart on Walls 3 (count 48) & 5 (count 52)

Intro: 16 counts, Start dance on vocals

Ending: Finish dance on count 33, look a ¼ turn L to front wall & point index fingers forward with thumbs up

[1-8] R fwd at 1.30, Syncopated L lock/step fwd, Rock R fwd, Recover ½ turn R, R fwd, L lock/step
1Large step right forward to right diagonal facing 1.30
2&3&Step left forward, Lock/step right behind left, Step left slightly forward, Lock/step right behind left 1.30
4Step left slightly forward 1.30
5-7Rock/step right forward, Recover weight back on left turning ½ turn R, Step right forward 7.30
8&1Step left forward, Lock/step right behind left, Step left forward 7.30

[9-16] Cross R, Step L, R sailor step 3/8 turn R, L Rocking chair with shoulder pops
2-3Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side sweeping right back slightly 7.30
4&5Step right behind left, Step left beside right turning 3/8 turn right, Step right forward completing 3/8 turn right 12.00 (turning sailor step)
6-8Rock/step left forward (pop right shoulder up), Recover weight back onto right (pop left shoulder up), Rock/step left forward (pop right shoulder up) 12.00

[17-24] R lock/step fwd, Cross L, R side, L sailor step, Cross R, L side
1&2Step right forward, Lock/step left behind right, Step right forward 12.00
3-4Cross/step left over right, Step right to right side 12.00
5&6Step left behind right, Step right slightly to right, Step onto left (sailor step) 12.00
7-8Cross/step right over left, Step left to left side 12.00

[25-32] R sailor step turning ¼ R, L fwd, Pivot ½ R, L fwd, Kick R, R back diagonal, L side
1&2Step right behind left, Step left to left turning ¼ turn right, Step onto right completing ¼ turn right 3.00
3-4Step left forward, Pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right 9.00
5-6Step left forward, Kick right forward & slightly across left
7-8Step right back slightly at right diagonal, Step left to left side 9.00

[33-40] R Elvis knees, Step L flicking R, Funky walks R,L,R back, L coaster step
&1Bend right knee in, Bend right knee out snapping right fingers (Bend both knees slightly) 9.00
&2Bend right knee in, Bend right knee out snapping right fingers taking weight onto right flicking left behind right
3-4Step left to left flicking right behind left, Step back on right at right diagonal touch left heel at left diagonal 9.00
5-6Step left back touching right heel forward turning toe out, Step back on right touching left heel forward turning toe out 9.00 (funky walks back)
7&8Step left back, Step right beside left, Step left slightly forward 9.00

[41-48] ¼ turn R cross R chasse, ½ turn L cross L chasse, Rock R side, Recover L, R behind L, L side ¼ turn L
1&2Turn ¼ turn right & cross/step right over left, Step left to left, Cross/step right over left 12.00
3&4Turn ½ turn left on right and cross/step left over right, Step right to right, Cross/step left over right 6.00
5-6Rock/step right to right side, Recover weight onto left 6.00
7-8Step right behind left, Step left to left side turning ¼ turn left 3.00

[49-56] ¾ paddle turn L pointing R toe, R jazz box, L lock/step fwd
1&2Turn ¼ turn left pointing right toe to right side 12.00, Hitch right knee turning ¼ turn left on left, Point right toe to right 9.00
&3-4Hitch right knee turning ¼ turn left on left, Point right toe to right side 6.00, Cross/step right over left
5-6Step left back, Step right beside left 6.00
7&8Step left forward, Lock/step right behind left, step left forward 6.00

[57-64] Rock R fwd, Recover L, Step R back, L back at diagonal, Cross R, Hold, Unwind 3/8 turn L, ½ turn L
1-2Rock/step right forward, recover weight onto left (optional: slight body roll for styling) 6.00
3-4Step right slightly back, Large step back on left at left diagonal 6.00
5-6Cross/step ball of right over left, Hold 6.00
7-8Unwind a 3/8 turn left on balls of feet 1.30, Unwind a further ½ turn left on balls of feet (turns are sharp)
RESTART (Every wall starts at 1.30 from back or front wall)

Tag: At the end of wall 2 and facing 1.30 from front wall
[1-8] Right K-Step
1-4Step right to right diagonal, Touch left beside right, Step left back to centre, Touch right beside left
5-8Step right back to right diagonal, Touch left beside right, Step left forward to centre, Touch right beside leftt

Restarts: On walls 3 & 5 you will restart at the same spot of the dance, though wall 5 has an additional 4 counts
Wall 3 – Restart on count 48, turn a further 1/8 left and restart dance again at 1.30 from front wall

Wall 5 – After count 48 you will add the following 4 counts:
1-4Step right forward, Hold, Sharp pivot ¼ turn left, Further sharp 3/8 turn left taking weight onto left punching right arm in the air on the word “GO” (Optional - Yell the words “LET’S GO”)
Restart dance again at 1.30 from front wall




Youtube Video

Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

Youtube Video

Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

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Harden Up Princess

Youtube Video

Harden Up Princess