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Whispering your name
4 Niveau:
Absolute Beginner / Beginner
Musik: She’s Not You – Chris Isaak. [179bpm – 1min 56secs] Kunstner:
Koreograf: Alison Biggs & Peter Metelnick, TheDanceFactoryUK, (Feb 2012)
** Celebrating 20 Years of Dance **
3 count intro – count 6 (her), 7 (hair), 8 (is)…start on the word ‘gold’
Also:- I Forgot To Remember To Forget – Chris Isaak. [CD: Beyond The Sun]
Start after 16 counts on vocals – [148bpm – 2mins 11secs]
[1-8] R *Lindy, L back rock/recover, touch L toes side L, tog, side L, together
1&2Step R side, step L together, step R side
3-4Rock L back, recover weight on R
5-6Touch L toes to left side, touch L toes in place
7-8Touch L toes to left side, touch L toes in place
[9-16] L Lindy, R back rock/recover, ¼ R grapevine, L brush
1&2Step L side, step R together, step L side
3-4Rock R back, recover weight on L
5-6Step R side, cross step L behind R
7-8Turning ¼ right step R forward, brush L forward (3 o’clock)
[17-24] L fwd rock/recover, L back, R hitch, R rock back/recover, R rock forward/recover
1-2Rock L forward, recover weight on R
3-4Step L back, hitch R knee up
5-6Rock R back, recover weight on L
7-8Rock R forward, recover weight on L
[25-32] R shuffle back, Lrock back/recover, walk fwd L, R, L, touch R beside L
1&2Step R back, step L beside R, step R back
3-4Rock L back, recover weight on R
5-8Walk forward L, R, L, touch R next to L
*A ‘Lindy’ step is a lively syncopated ‘Swing’ step similar in style to a chasse but with more gusto and comes from the dance the ‘Lindy Hop’ which originated in Harlem, New York in the 1920’s, the dance the ‘Lindy Hop’ is also known as the ‘Jitterbug’
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |
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Whispering your name |