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Useless Excuses
4 Niveau:
High Improver
Musik: I Did This To Me - Brett Young Kunstner:
Koreograf: Ria Vos (NL) - September 2023
Intro: 16 Counts
Walk, Walk, Rocking Chair, Side, Back Rock, Side, Sailor ¼ R
1-2Step Fwd R, Step Fwd L
3&4&Rock Fwd on R, Recover on L, Rock Back on R, Recover on L
5-6&Step R to R Side, Rock Back on L, Recover on R
7-8&Step L to L Side, Step R Behind L ¼ Turn R, Step L Next to R (3:00)
Dorothy, Skate, Skate, ¼ L Shuffle Fwd, Step Pivot ½ Turn L
1-2&Step R Fwd to R Diagonal, Lock L Behind R, Step Slightly Fwd on R
3-4Skate Fwd L, Skate Fwd R
5&6¼ Turn L Shuffle Fwd Stepping L-R-L
7-8Step Fwd on R, Pivot ½ Turn L (6:00) ***Restart Point
Shuffle ½ Turn L, Step Back, ½ R Step Fwd, Shuffle ½ Turn R, Coaster Cross
1&2Shuffle ½ Turn L Stepping R-L-R (12:00)
3-4Step Back on L, ½ Turn R Step Fwd on R (6:00)
5&6Shuffle ½ Turn R Stepping L-R-L (12:00)
7&8Step Back on R, Step L Next to R, Cross R Over L
L Side-Together-Fwd, R Side-Together-Fwd, Rock Fwd, Triple ¾ L
1&2Step on L to L Side, Step R Next to L, Step Fwd on L
3&4Step R to R Side, Step L Next to R, Step Fwd on R
5-6Rock Fwd on L, Recover on R
7&8Triple ¾ Turn L Stepping L-R-L (3:00)
Restart: After count 16 on Wall 2 (9:00) & 4 (6:00)
Tag: After Wall 3 (12:00), 6 (12:00) and 8 (6:00)
This happens everytime he sings ‘I got what I wanted’
Step Fwd, Point, Hold, Coaster Cross, Point & Heel & Heel & Point
1&2Step Fwd on R, Point L to L Side, Hold
3&4Step Back on L, Step R Next to L, Cross L Over R
5&6&Point R to R Side, Step R Next to L, Tap L Heel Fwd, Step L Next to R
7&8&Tap R Heel Fwd, Step R Next to L, Point L to L Side, Step L Next to R
Note: On wall 2, section 2, count 5 there is 1 strong beat.. replace ¼ L Shuffle with ¼ L Stomp Fwd on L, Hold.. continue with count 7-8 (Pivot ½ Turn L..then Restart)
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