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Wild World
2 Niveau:
Musik: Wild World - Justin Serrao Kunstner:
Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) - June 2023
Introduction: 16 Counts
Coaster w/ Sweep, Cross, Back, ¼ Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Weave ¼ Turn
1&2Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd as you sweep L from back to front
3,4&Cross L over R, step R slightly back, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (9:00)
5,6&Cross/ rock R over L, recover weight back onto L, step R to R side
7&8&Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (12:00)
Note: This weave is quite quick. Only travel slightly to the right on the weave.
Toe Strut, ¼ Touch, 1/8 Forward, Pivot ½, Rock/ Recover, Together, 2x Walks Forward
1&2Touch L toe slightly fwd (open body towards 1:30), lower L heel to floor, turn ¼ R as you touch R together (3:00)
3,4&Turn 1/8 R as you step R fwd (4:30), step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R (weight now on R) (10:30)
5,6&Rock L fwd, recover weight back onto R, step L together
7,8Walk R fwd, walk L fwd (still facing 10:30)
Forward, Lock, Forward w/ Sweep, Cross, Side, Back, Back, 1/8 Side, Cross, Full Turn Triple
1&2Step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd as you sweep L from back to front (10:30)
3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L back
5&6Step R back, turn 1/8 L as you step L to L side (9:00), cross R over L (prepare body/ open shoulders into R diagonal)
7&8Making a full turn over L on the spot; step L, step R, cross L over R (9:00)
Basic, Side, Behind, ¼ Forward, Rock Forward, Recover, Reverse Rocking Chair
1,2&Large step R, close L together, cross R over L
3,4&Step L to L side, cross R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (6:00)
5,6Rock R fwd, recover weight back onto L
7&8&Rock R back slightly back, recover weight fwd onto L, rock R slightly fwd, recover weight back onto L
TAG: Add the following two (2) counts at the end of walls 3 & 5 facing 6:00.
1,2Step R back as you sweep L from front to back, step L back as you sweep R from front to back
Maddison Glover Line Dance
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Wild World |
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Wild World |
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Wild World |
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Wild World |
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Wild World |
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Wild World |