Seasunliners  Sorø
Sorø Kultur og Fritidscenter (Værkerne)
Frederiksvej 27, 4180 Sorø
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Stepsheets & Video
som især danses i Danmark

For dem der elsker linedance

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Sidste nye
Årsdanse 2023/24

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Linedance top 10
Personlig hitliste uge 3


Dans navn nr 1 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 2 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 3 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 4 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 5 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

Sidst rettet

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og deltag i afstemningen

1. Klik på den nye dans i gult område (ikke på linket)
2. Et rettevindue med din hitliste åbnes.
3. Klik på den dans i rettevinduet der skal ud istedet for den nye dans.
4. Flyt evt. placeringer med pilene.
5. Afslut med tast på "Stem"

Bethlehem Child

Steps: 28             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Kenny Rogers ft. Home Free.- Children, Go Where I Send Thee (Track on iTunes & other mp3 sites) (approx 4:33 mins).      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Roy Verdonk, Sebastiaan Holtland, & José miguel Belloque Vane, (Netherlands) October 2018

Restart in wall 5 after 16 counts,

Introduction: 16 counts, start on approx 10 sec.

Phrasing :
A, tag 1,
A, tag 1+2,
A, tag 1+2+3,
A * (restart after 16 counts),
A, tag 1+2+3+4,
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1,
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1+2,
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1+2+3+4+1
A, tag 1+2+3+4+1+2+3+4+1+2

This dance will extend every wall a little bit more. It looks more difficult than it is, give it a try and be convinced!

Part A (main dance) 28 counts
S1 [1-8] Heel R Diag, Step L Left, Back, Step L Across, Point R, Touch R, Point R, Weave L, 1/4 Turn R, Back, Side, Step L Across.
1&2&Step R diagonal on Heel (1), Step L left (&), Step R back (2), Step L across R (&).
3&4Point R out to R (3), Touch R beside L (&), Point R out to R (4).
5&6Step R behind L (5), Step L to L (&), Step R across L (6).
7&8Make ¼ turn R (3.00) step L back (7), Step R to R (&), Step L across R (8).

S2 [9-16] Side & Touches R/L, Side, Together, Fwd, Repeat Other Foot
1,4Step R to R (1), Touch L beside R (&), Step L to L (2), Touch R beside L (&). Step R to R (3), Step L beside R (&), Step R fwd (4)
5,8Step L to L (5), Touch R beside L (&), Step R to R (6), Touch L beside R. (&). Step L to L (7), Step R beside L (&), Step L fwd (8)
(NB: Restart here in WALL 5 after 16 counts, after start again (facing 12 o`clock).

S3 [17-24] Mambo Step R Fwd, Walks Back L, R with (Attitude), Coaster Step L, Forward R, ¼ Turn L With Heel Swivels
1&2Mambo R fwd (1), Recover back onto L (&), Step R slightly back (2).
3,4Walk L back (3), Walk R back (4).
5&6Step L back (5), Step R beside L (&), Step L fwd (6).
7&8Step R fwd (7), Turn ¼ L whilst swivelling heels right (&) (12.00) , swivel heels left and take weight onto L (8).

S4 [25-28] Skates in place R/L, Step R Forward , ¼ Turn L.
1,4Skate R to R (1), Skate L to L (2), Step R Forward (3), Make ¼ turn L (9.00) step forward L (4).

Tag 1
[1-4] Heel R Diag, Heel L Diag, Back, Coaster L
1&2Step R diagonal on Heel (1), Step L diagonal on heel (&), Step R back (2)
3&4Step L back (3), Step R beside L (&), Step L fwd (4)

Tag 2
[1-4] Out/Out With Hip Rolls R/L, Back R, Drag L
1,2Step R diagonal rolling hips out(1), Step L diagonal rolling hips out (2)
3,4Step R back (3), Drag L together (weight should end on L) (4)

Tag 3
[1-4] Hip bumps R/L/R, Triple With 1/4 Turn L
1&2Step R right bumping hips right (1), bump hips left (&), bump hips right
3&4Step L left (3), Step R together (&), Make 1/4 Turn left stepping L forward (4)

Tag 4
[1-4] Hip bumps R/L/R/L
1,2,3,4Rf step right bumping hips right (1), left (2), right (3), left (4)

Have fun!!



Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child

Youtube Video

Bethlehem Child