Seasunliners  Sorø
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Årsdanse 2023/24

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Dans navn nr 1 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 2 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 3 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 4 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 5 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

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5. Afslut med tast på "Stem"

Dig Your Heels

Steps: 52             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Phrased Intermediate
Musik: Heres To You & I - The McClymonts      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) October 2016

Dance begins after count 16 - Sequence: A, B, A, A, A, A, B, A,A,A,TAG, TAG+, A,A,TAG

Part A: 32 counts
A1: Kick Front, Side, Sailor, Kick Front, Side, ¼ Coaster
1,2,3&4Kick R fwd, kick R to R side, step R behind L, step L to L side, step R slightly to R
5,6,7Kick L fwd, kick L to L side, step L back whilst beginning to turn ¼ L,
&8Complete ¼ turn L by stepping R beside L, step L slightly fwd (9:00)

A2: Shuffle Forward x2, Rock/Replace, Full Turn Travelling Back
1&2,3&4Step R fwd, step L together, step R fwd, step L fwd, step R together, step L fwd
5,6Rock R fwd, replace weight back onto L
7,8,Make ½ turn over R stepping R fwd, make ½ turn over R stepping back on L (9:00)

A3: ¼ Side Shuffle, Cross, Back, Side Shuffle Back on Diagonal, Cross, Side
1&2Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, step L together, step R to R side (angle shoulders right) (12:00)
3,4Cross L over R, step R back onto R diagonal,
5&6Step L back on L diagonal (angle shoulders towards 10:30), step R together, step back on L diagonal
7,8Still facing (10:30): Cross R over L, square up to (12:00) by stepping L to L side

A4: Sailor, Turning Coaster, Point Forward, ½ Flick, Walk Forward x2
1&2Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R slightly to R
3Step L back whilst beginning to turn ¼ L,
&4Complete ¼ turn L by stepping R beside L, step L slightly fwd (9:00)
5,6Point R fwd, flick R behind as you make ½ turn over L (pivot on ball of L foot) (3:00)
7,8Walk Fwd: R, L

Part B: 20 counts
B1: Nightclub occurs TWICE throughout the dance, both beginning on and ending facing 3:00.
Fwd (sweep), Front, Side, Behind (sweep), Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Rock, Cross, ½ Hinge
1Step R fwd as you sweep L around clock-wise
2&3Cross L over R, step R to R side, step L behind R as you sweep R around clockwise
4&5Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
6&7Rock L to L side, replace weight onto R, cross L over R,
8&Turn ¼ L stepping back on R, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (9:00)

B2: Repeat the above ‘8& counts’

B3: Cross, Back, Side, Hop Forward
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, step back on L, Step R to R side, hop fwd with both feet 3:00

#16 Count Tag: Whenever they sing “Dig Your Heels”
TS1: Heel, Hitch, Heel, Together, Heel, Hitch, Heel, Together, ½ Turn Walk Around
1&2&Touch R heel fwd, slightly hitch R knee up, touch R heel fwd, step R together
3&4&Touch L heel fwd, slightly hitch L knee up, touch L heel fwd, step L together
5,6,7,8Making ½ Arc over L: Walk R, L, R, L (Clap on each step) “clap your hands and make a sound”

TS2: Box Step, Travelling Dwight Swivels
1,2,3,4Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to R side, cross L over R (6:00)
5,6Touch R toe besides L whilst turning R knee in towards L knee, touch R heel fwd on R diagonal
7,8Touch R toe besides L whilst turning R knee in towards L knee, touch R heel fwd on R diagonal
Note: The above 4 counts are completed slightly travelling right.
Alternative for the swivels: R side, L together, R side, L together.

When completing the Tag for the second time, add an extra 4 Dwight swivels “come here boy and kiss my lips”

Contact: +61430346939 - -



Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels

Youtube Video

Dig Your Heels