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Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

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Rock & roll king

Steps: 64             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Improver
Musik: Rock and Roll Is King – Electric Light Orchestra. (iTunes) Approx 3.08 mins      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney (UK/USA) Dec 2014

Count In: 32 counts from start of track, Begin on vocals Approx 160 bpm

Notes: Thank you to my daddy for suggesting the track.

Tags: There are 2x 4 count tags after 32 counts (toe struts) on walls 3 and 6, see notes below.
Also, on the 8th wall the music stops for 1 or 2 counts – KEEP DANCING all the way until the end.

[1 – 8] L side, R together, L side, R touch, R side, L touch, L side, R touch
1 2 3 4Step L to left side (1), step R next to L (2), step L to left side (3), touch R next to L (4) 12.00
5 6 7 8Step R to right side (5), touch L next to R (6), step L to left side (7), touch R next to L (8) 12.00

[9 – 16] R side, L together, ¼ turn R, ½ turn R with L hitch, L back, ½ turn R with R hitch, R fwd, L hitch
1 2Step R to right side (1), step L next to R (2), 12.00
3 4Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (3), make ½ turn right on ball of R as you hitch L knee (4) 9.00
5 6Step back L (5), make ½ turn right on ball of L as you hitch R knee (6) 3.00
7 8Step forward R (7), hitch L knee (8) 3.00

[17 – 24] L fwd mambo, hold, R back rocking chair
1 2 3 4Rock forward L (1), recover weight R (2), step back L (3), hold (4) 3.00
5 6 7 8Rock back R (5), recover weight L (6), rock forward R (7) recover weight L (8) 3.00

[25 – 32] R back toe strut, L back toe strut, R back toe strut, L back, R together
1 2 3 4Touch R toe back (1), drop R heel to floor (2), touch L toe back (3), drop L heel to floor (4), 3.00
5 6 7 8Touch R toe back (5), drop R heel to floor (6), step back L (7), step R next to left (8) 3.00

Wall 3 begins facing 6.00, do the 4 count tag below then Restart facing 9.00
Wall 6 begins facing 3.00, do the 4 count tag below then Restart facing 6.00
1-4: Step forward L (1), clap hands twice (2&), step forward R (3), clap hands (4)

[33 – 40] L shuffle fwd, R brush, ¼ turn R with clap, ½ turn L with clap
1 2 3 4Step forward L (1), step R next to L (2), step forward L (3), brush R next to L (4) 3.00
5 6Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (slightly bent knee) (5), clap hands (6),
Note: The next step is ½ turn left so this is only a slight turn to right – you could think of it as a step to right side and clap hands to right. [6.00]
7 8Make ½ turn left stepping forward L (slightly bent knee) (7), clap hands (8) 12.00

[41 – 48] R stomp (toe in), R toe fan out-in-out, L stomp across R, L side, R stomp across L, R side
1 2Stomp forward R (slight bent R knee and turn R toe in) (1), fan R toe out to right side (2) 12.00
3 4Fan R toe in towards L (3), fan R toe out to right side (weight needs to be on right) (4) 12.00
5 6Stomp L forward and slightly across R (5), step L to left side (6), 12.00
7 8Stomp R forward and slightly across L (7), step R to right side (8) 12.00

[49 – 56] L fwd, ½ turn R with shoulder shimmy, R lock step fwd, hold (or brush)
1 2 3 4Step forward L (1), make ½ turn right as you shimmy shoulders for 3 counts (weight remains on L) (2,3,4) 6.00
5 6 7 8Step forward R (5), step L next to R (slightly behind R) (6), step forward R (7), hold (or brush L) (8) 6.00

[57 – 64] L jazz box with ¼ turn L, L weave (L side, R behind, L side, R cross)
1 2 3 4Cross L over R (1), make ¼ turn left stepping back R (2), step L to left side (3), cross R over L (4) 3.00
5 6 7 8Step L to left side (5), cross R behind L (6), step L to left side (7), cross R over L (8) 3.00


Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.
Copyright © 2014 Rachael Louise McEnaney ( All rights reserved.

Contact: - - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933



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Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king

Youtube Video

Rock & roll king