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Down To The Honkytonk
4 Niveau:
Musik: Down to the Honkytonk by: Jake Owen Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rick Todd – September 2018
Two Lock Steps Forward with Scuffs
1-4Step forward right, lock left foot behind right, step right forward, scuff left
5-8Step forward left, lock right foot behind left. step left forward, scuff right
K Step with claps
1-2Step forward right on angle, touch left next to right and clap
3-4Step back on left on angle, touch right next to left and clap
5-6.Step back right on angle, touch left next to right and clap
7-8.Step forward on left on angle, touch right next to left and clap
Walk Back Right Hold, Left Hold, Right Left Stomp Stomp Right foot
1-4Walk back right Hold, Left Hold
5-8Walk Back Right Left than stomp Right foot twice
Vine Right, Vine Left with ¼ turn left, scuff right foot
1-4Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, touch L next to R
5-8Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side (making a ¼ turn left) scuff right foot forward
Repeat dance…
Rick Todd / E-mail /
Youtube Video |
Down To The Honkytonk |