Seasunliners  Sorø
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Stepsheets & Video
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Årsdanse 2023/24

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Dans navn nr 1 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 2 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 3 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 4 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 5 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

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5. Afslut med tast på "Stem"


Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Intermediate / Advanced
Musik: Addicted by Kelly Clarkson (CD: Breakaway)       Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney (Jan 09)

Count In: Dance starts almost immediately – you will hear lyrics “Its like you’re a drug” start on word DRUG.

Notes: The timing of the music feels like a very fast waltz (6/8 timing). However, the dance is not a waltz.

It has been choreographed using what is known as “rolling count” as in &a 1&a, 2&a, 3&a, 4&a etc

For instructors once you have the rhythm you may want to just count with regular “&” counts however I have broken it down on the step sheet in timing with the music.

The walls are actually all done on diagonals – so 1st wall is 10.30, 2nd wall is 7.30, 3rd wall is 4.30, 4th wall 1.30

Footwork – you will notice I have broken the steps into counts of 7 – this is for teaching purposes of how the steps flow

(1-7) R Back Rock, ½ Turn, L Back Rock, 2 Full Turns Right Travelling Forward Into Right Shuffle, 1/8 Turn L Sweep
1-2 Facing 10.30 – Rock back on right foot (1), recover weight onto left (2) [10.30]
&a3-4 Make ½ turn left on ball of left (no weight change) (&), step right next to left (a), rock back on left (3), recover weight onto right (4) [4.30]
a5 Make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (a), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (5) [4.30]
a6 Make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (a), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (6) [4.30]
a7 Step left next to right (a), step forward on right as you do so sweep left leg round making 1/8 turn right (7) [6.00]

(8-15) L Cross, R Side, L Behind, R Sweep, R Behind, L Side, R Cross, L Side Rock, Weave/Vine To Right
8a1 Cross left over right (8), step right to right side (a), cross left behind right (1) [6.00]
&2a3 Sweep right foot round clockwise (no weight change) (&), cross right behind left (2), step left to left side (a), cross right over left (3) [6.00]
a4 Rock ball of left to left side (a), recover weight onto right (4) [6.00]
5-7 Cross left over right (5), step right to right side (a), cross left behind right (6), step right to right side (a), cross left over right (7) [6.00]

(16-23) Unwind ¾ Turn, ½ Turn R Syncopated Turn, Back R, ¼ Turn R Side, Cross L, Side Rock, Syncopated Cross Rocks
&8a Unwind ¾ turn right (no weight change end facing 3.00) (&), Step forward on right (8), make ½ turn right stepping back on left (a) [9.00]
1,2a3 Step back on right (1), step back on left (2), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (a), cross left over right (3) [12.00]
a4 Rock ball of right to right side (a), recover weight onto left (4), [12.00]
5&a Cross rock right over left (5), recover weight onto left (&), step right to right side (a) [12.00]
6&a7 Cross rock left over right (6), recover weight onto right (&), step left to left side (a), cross right over left (7) [12.00]

(24–32) R Coaster Cross With Turn X 2, R Coaster Step, Full Turn Right Travelling Forward, Run Back R, L.
a8a1 Make 1/8 turn right stepping back on left (a), step back on right (8), step left next to right (a), make ¼ R crossing right over left (1) [3.00]
a2a3 Make 1/8 turn right stepping back on left (a), step back on right (2), step left next to right (a), make ¼ R crossing right over left (3) [6.00]
a4a5 Make 1/8 turn right stepping back on left (a), step back on right (4), step left next to right (a), step forward on right (5) [7.30]
6a7 Make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (6), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (a), rock forward on left (7) [7.30]
8a Recover weight onto right stepping back on right (8), step back on left (a) – start again rocking back on left. [7.30]

RESTARTS: They happen AFTER each chorus (only twice), you will dance the first 7 counts of dance “add ‘a8a’ below” then restart from the beginning.

7'a8a': Count 7 was the right foot stepping forward (do not sweep), make ½ turn right stepping left next to right (a), step back on right (8), step back on left (a)

*1st restart: On 4th wall. You will begin 4th wall facing 1.30 do FIRST 7 counts plus ‘a8a’ above – you will be facing 1.30 to start again (this will then be counted as 5th wall. 1.30

*2nd restart: On 7th wall. You will begin 7th wall facing 7.30 do FIRST 7 counts plus ‘a8a’ above – you will be facing 7.30 to start again (this will then be counted as 8th wall). 7.30

TAG: This happens at END of 8th wall. You will be facing 4.30 when you do the tag. The music has a change beat it has a strong build up (this is your reminder for the tag)
1-2 Walk back on right (1), walk back on left (2) [4.30]

Start Again, Have Fun! /



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