Linedance Portalen

Bella Ciao Ciao Ciao  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Improver
Musik: Bella Ciao - Esteriore Brothers      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Mark Furnell (UK) & Chris Godden (UK) - January 2025

Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 7 secs

SEC 1 Toe, Heel, Stomp, Coaster Step, Walk, Walk
1-2-3Touch right beside left, touch right heel beside left, stomp right forward
4&5Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
6-7Step right forward, step left forward

SEC 2 Samba Step x3, Clap, ¼ Clap
8&1Cross right over left, rock left to left, recover weight on to right
2&3Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover weight on to left
4&5Cross right over left, rock left to left, recover weight on to right clap low to right
6-7Clap above head, turn ¼ left recovering weight to left clap forward (9:00)

SEC 3 Shuffle, Rock, Back Shuffle, Back, Back
8&1Step right forward, step left beside right, step right forward
2-3Rock left forward, recover weight on to right
4&5Step left back, step right beside left, step left back
6-7Step right back, step left back

SEC 4 Back, Together, Step, ¼ Pivot, Modified Jazzbox
8&Step right back, step left beside right
1-2Step right forward pivot ¼ left transferring weight onto left (6:00)
3-4Cross right over left, step left back
5-6-7-8Step right to right sliding left towards right over 3 counts, stomp left beside right

Note At the end of Wall 4, Hold for 4 counts then the tracks slows down, follow the rhythm of the track

Tag At the end of Walls 2 and 5
Cross, Full Unwind, Full Unwind, Clap
1-8Cross right over left, full unwind turn left transferring weight onto left over 7 counts
1-8Full unwind turn right keeping weight on left over 7 counts, clap

Last Update: 9 Jan 2025

2025 13 JAN 4 13 FEB '25 200