Linedance Portalen


Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: High Intermediate - Rolling Count
Musik: Lover - Taylor Swift : (iTunes, Amazon & Spotify)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Simon Ward (AUS)

Restart: On wall 3 after count 8a (see notes regarding restart)
Intro: 16 counts
Note: Start dance with L toe touch behind R
Ending: Finish on count 32 facing back wall looking over left shoulder on same count

[1-7] L back sweeping R, R behind L, ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, L behind R, R side, Cross L with hitch, R Shuffle fwd
1-2aStep L back sweeping R back, Step R behind L, Turn ¼ left stepping L forward 9.00
3-4aTurn ½ left stepping R beside L sweeping L back, Step L behind R, Step R to right side 3.00
5Step L slightly forward & across R hitching R knee slowly turning 1/8 left 1.30
6a7Step R forward, Step L beside R, Rock/step R forward 1.30

[8-16] Recover L, ½ turn R, full turn R, R fwd , Weave ¼ L, Walk R,L, R fwd ,Rock, Recover, L back, Rock ,Recover
8a1Recover/step L stepping L back, Turn ½ right stepping R forward, Step L beside R making a full turn right sweeping R foot around 7.30
2Step R slightly forward sweeping L forward 7.30
3a4Cross/step L over R, Turn 1/8 left stepping R to right side to 6.00, Rock/step L back turning 1/8 left 4.30
5-6Walk R forward, Walk L forward 4.30
7&aStep R forward, Rock ball of L behind R, Recover weight onto R 4.30
8&aStep L back, Rock/step R slightly back, Recover weight onto L 4.30
(Body turned slightly to left for 7&a, 8&a)

[17-24] ½ L, L fwd, 1/2 turn L, L back sweep R , R behind L, 1/8 turn L, Rock R fwd, recover, ½ turn R, L fwd, Back R,L
1Step R forward as you turn ½ left raising L toe looking at 10.30
2a3Step L slightly forward, turn ½ left stepping R beside L, Step L slightly back sweeping R back 4.30
4a5Step R behind L, Turn 1/8 left stepping L to left side to 3.00, Rock/step R forward 3.00
6a7Recover weight back on L, Turn ½ right stepping R forward, Step L forward hitching R knee 9.00
8aStep R back, Step L back

[25-32] ¼ R Sway R,L,R, ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, Rock L back, Recover R, ¼ turn R, R back sweep L, Rock L back, Recover on R ball
1-3Step R back turning ¼ right and swaying to right, Sway weight to left, Sway weight to right 12.00
(Emphasise the shoulders more than the body on the sways)
4a5Take weight onto L turning ¼ left, Turn ½ left stepping R beside L, Rock/step L back 3.00
6a7Recover weight onto R, Turn ¼ right stepping L beside R, Step R back sweeping L back 6.00
8aStep L back and behind R in a seated position, Push off on ball of R to restart dance 6.00

Restart Notes: On Wall 3 replace counts 8a9 with:
8a1Step L back, Step R back, Step L back sweeping R back to 12.00 to start again