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Lose Control
Steps: 64 Vægge: 1 Niveau: Advanced - Rolling 8/Viennese Waltz Musik: Lose Control - Teddy Swims Kunstner: Koreograf: Bradley Mather (USA) - September 2023 INTRO - 4 counts RESTART - After 15 counts of Wall 3, slight step change. Restart at count 33. Section 1: (1-8) BACK, HOOK, STEP ⅛ SWEEP, CROSS, SIDE TOGETHER, BALL CROSS ¼ X2, BALL, BACK ROCK ¼, 1 ¾ TURN W/HITCH 1&aStart facing 10:30 and step L back hooking R leg across L (10:30) 2&aStep R leg forward sweeping L from back to front turning ⅛ right (12:00) 3a4Cross L over R, step R to R, step L next to R (12:00) a5Step R to R turning ¼ left, cross L over R (9:00) a6Step R to R turning ¼ left, cross L over R (6:00) a7Step R to R turning ¼ left, rock L foot back (3:00) 8&aStep R forward, turn ½ right stepping L back, turn ½ right stepping R forward (3:00) 1&aStep L forward and finish ¾ turn right hitching up R leg (12:00) Section 2: (9-16) SWAY X2, WEAVE, BACK TWINKLE X2, BACK DRAG, RUN X3 2&aStep R down and sway R (12:00) 3&aSway L (12:00) 4&aCross R over L, step L to L, cross R behind L (12:00) 5&aRock L to L, recover to R, cross L behind R (12:00) 6&aRock R to R, recover to L, cross R behind L (12:00) 7Step L back toward 7:30 and collect R to L (12:00) (*RESTART) 8&aStep R forward turning ⅛ right, step L forward, step R forward (1:30) *RESTART: On wall 3, change last counts of this set to 8a by stepping R side and L together and restarting at count 33 Section 3: (17-24) STEP & SWEEP 3/8, TOUCH, WALK X2, PIVOT ½, ¼, SIDE BACK ROCK X2, BACK, WEAVE 1&aStep L forward, sweep R from back to front turning ⅜ left lifting L arm up to comb hair with fingers pointing to R ear (9:00) 2&aTouch R forward with R knee bent rolling R wrist out and snapping R hand (9:00) 3&aStep R forward (9:00) 4aStep L forward, turn ½ right stepping R forward (3:00) 5&aStep L to L turning ¼ right, rock R back, recover onto L (6:00) 6&aStep R to R, rock L back, recover onto R (6:00) 7Step L to L (6:00) 8&aCross R behind L, step L to L, cross R over L turning ⅛ left (4:30) Section 4: (25-32) STEP, BRUSH, HITCH, BACK, COASTER & SWEEP, EXTENDED WEAVE W/SWEEP, CROSS BEHIND, 1 ½ TURN 1&aStep L forward, brush R forward, hitch R leg (4:30) 2Step R back (4:30) 3&aStep L back, step R next to L, step L forward (4:30) 4Step R forward sweeping L from back to front and turning ⅛ right (6:00) 5&aCross L over R, step R to R, cross L behind R (6:00) 6&aStep R to R, cross L over R, step R to R (6:00) 7&aCross L behind R sweeping R from front to back (6:00) 8&aTouch R behind L, turn 1 ½ right on right foot, step L down (12:00) *Easier option: turn ½ right Section 5: (31-40) SWAY X3, REACH, SIT ⅛ R, STAND UP, RUN X2, SIDE 1&aStep R to R swaying R (12:00) 2&aSway L, reaching L arm to left side (12:00) 3&aSway R, reaching R arm to right side (12:00) 4&aStep L to L reaching both arms up, crossing arms over head (12:00) 5&aTurn 1/8 right as you sit back onto R leg and bring crossed arms down over chest (1:30) 6&aKeep sitting on R leg(1:30) 7&aStand up onto L leg (1:30) 8&aStep R forward dropping arms, step L forward, step R to R (1:30) Section 6: (41-48) REACH X2, CROSS ARMS, SWAY X3, TWINKLE & ½ HINGE X2 1&aReach R arm forward, reach L arm forward, cross arms over chest (1:30) 2&aSway L pushing arms down to sides (1:30) 3&aSway R (1:30) 4&aSway L (1:30) 5&aCross R over L, step L to L, turning ⅛ right step R to R (3:00) 6&aCross L over R, turn ¼ left stepping R back, turn ¼ left stepping L to L (9:00) 7&aCross R over L, step L to L, turning ⅛ right step R to R (10:30) 8&aCross L over R, turn ¼ left stepping R back, turn ¼ left stepping L to L (4:30) Section 7: (49-56) CROSS ROCK, STEP BACK & SWEEP X3, SEAWEED ARMS, FULL TURN L (w/ WINDMILL ARMS) 1Cross R over L (4:30) 2Step Back on L sweeping R from front to back (4:30) 3Step Back on R sweeping L from front to back (4:30) 4Step Back on L sweeping R from front to back (4:30) 5&aStep R back lifting R arm up starting with elbow as if seaweed moving through water while moving left hand down in same fashion (4:30) 6&aWeight stays back on R. Switch arms as you lean backwards, switch arms as you lean backwards (4:30) 7switch arms as you lean backwards bringing R arm up and over head and then down behind you as you lean backwards, while lifting L leg (4:30) 8&aStep L forward bringing L arm down and right arm up with locked elbows, turn ½ left stepping back on R and switching arms, turn ½ left stepping forward on L and switching arms (4:30) Section 8: (57-64) CHASE ½, STEP, SAMBA, HEEL GRIND CROSS BACKS X2, CROSS ROCK SIDE ¼ , FULL TURN CHASE 1&aStep R forward, turn ½ left stepping forward onto L, step R forward (10:30) 2Step L forward (10:30) 3aCross R over L, step L to L (12:00) 4Step R to R turning ⅛ to right (1:30) 5&aPlace L heel across right with weight, rotate slightly left as you replace weight onto R, step L to L (10:30) 6&aPlace R heel across left with weight, rotate slightly right as you replace weight onto L, step R to R (1:30) 7&aCross L over R, recover onto R, step L to L turning ¼ left (10:30) 8&aStep R forward, turn ½ left stepping L forward, turn ½ left stepping R back (10:30)