Linedance Portalen |
Irish Rover (cba 2021)
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Improver Musik: The Irish Rover (Live) - Nathan Carter : (Album: Live at 3Arena) Kunstner: Koreograf: Alison Johnstone (AUS) & Joshua Talbot (AUS) - January 2021 **When searching for this track on iTunes type, 'Irish Rover Nathan Carter' Track length 4.52mins** Intro: 32 Count Intro Tag: End wall 1, 2, 4 & 6 (see below) Bridge: Wall 5: (See below) [1-8]: WALK, WALK, SHUFFLE FWD, ROCK RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE FWD 1 2 3&4Walk fwd R, Walk fwd L, Step fwd on R, Step L together (&), Step fwd R 5 6 7&8Rock fwd on L, Recover on R, ½ over L step fwd on L, Step R Together (&), Step fwd on L (6.00) [9-16]: WALK, WALK, SHUFFLE FWD, ROCK RECOVER, ¼ SIDE, TOUCH 1 2 3&4Walk fwd R, Walk fwd L, Step fwd on R, Step L together (&), Step fwd R 5 67 8Rock fwd on L, Recover on R, ¼ over L step L to side, Touch R Together (3.00) [17-24]: BALL CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, ¼ FWD, FWD, ½ HOOK, WALK WALK &1 2 3 4Ball step R (&), Cross L over R, Step R to side, Step L behind R, ¼ over R step fwd on R (6.00) 5 6 7 8Step fwd on L, ½ over R hooking R foot, Walk fwd R, Walk fwd L (12.00) [25-32]: TOE, HEEL, HEEL, TOE, HEEL, HEEL, TOE CLAP CLAP 1&2&3&4Touch R toe side, 1/8 over R switch to L heel fwd, 1/8 over R switch to R heel fwd, switch to touch L toe side &5&6&7Switch to R heel fwd, Switch to L Heel fwd, Switch to touch R toe side (3.00) &8Clap (&), Clap [33-40]: CROSS ROCK RECOVER, SIDE CHASSE, CROSS ROCK RECOVER, SIDE CHASSE 1 2 3&4Cross rock onto R, Recover on L, Step R to side, Step L together (&), Step R to side 5 6 7&8Cross rock onto L, Recover on R, Step L to side, Step R together (&), Step L to side [41-48]: JAZZ BOX ¼ R, JAZZ BOX ¼ R (9.00) 1 2 34Cross R over L, ¼ over R stepping L back, Step R to side, Step L in place (6.00) 5 6 7 8Cross R over L, ¼ over R stepping L back, Step R to side, Step L over R (9.00) ** Wall 5 dance to count 48, slowing down from count 44. Hold facing 9 o'clock and wait till you hear the count in 2, 3, then add count 4 yourself and continue with last 8 counts of dance. Miss section 49-56 ** [49-56]: HEEL, BALL CROSS, HEEL, BALL CROSS, SIDE ROCK RECOVER, BEHIND, SIDE, FWD 1&2 3&4Touch R heel to diagonal, Ball R (&), Cross L over R, Touch R heel to diagonal, Ball R (&), Cross L over R, 5 6 7&8Rock R to side, Recover on L, Step R behind L, Step L to side, Step R fwd (9.00) [57-64] TOUCH FWD, TOUCH SIDE, ¼ TURN COASTER, CROSS, BACK, STOMP, STOMP 1,2 3&4Touch L foot fwd, Touch L foot side, ¼ over L step back on L, step R back (&),Step L slightly fwd (6.00) 5,6,7,8Cross R over L, Step L back, Stomp R to R, Stomp L to L TAG: CLAP CLAP, STOMP STOMP, CLAP CLAP 1 2Clap, Clap ** End wall 2 is clap clap only** 3 4 5 6Stomp R, Stomp L, Clap, Clap ** End wall 1 & 4 complete all 6 counts ** TAG: End wall 6: Dance to end of wall slowing down on last 4 counts, hold facing front for approx. 10 counts then start again BRIDGE: Wall 5 dance to count 48, slowing down from count 44. Hold facing 9 o'clock and wait till you hear the count in 2, 3, then add count 4 yourself and continue with last 8 counts of dance. Miss section 49-56 ** ENDING: Replace the last jazz box with a slow Jazz box ½ turning over R to the front....tada! This is a happy fun dance with relatively easy steps and all the holds etc are so so easy to hear with the music, did you miss one ?............... laugh and join in again. CELTIC FUN FOR everyone