Linedance Portalen

Stop! Stop! Stop!  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Easy Intermediate
Musik: Nu Virgos - Stop! Stop! Stop! [3:46]       Kunstner:
Koreograf: Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - August 2020

Sequence: 32 / 32 / 32T1 / 32 / 32T2 / 32T1 / 32 / 32T2 / 32T1 / 32 ...

Intro: 32count

[1-8] Touch Toe, Touch Heel, Rock, Cross, Toe, Heel, Rock, Cross
12Touch right toe next to left with left heel turn to the right, touch right heel next to left with left toe turn to the right
3&4Rock right to side, recover on left, cross right over left
56Touch left toe next to right with right heel turn to the left, touch left heel next to right with right toe turn to the left
7&8Rock left to side, recover on right, cross left over right

[9-16] 1/8 Turn R Fwd Mambo, Back, 1/8 Turn R Side, Cross, Point, Hold, Point Switch
1&21/8 Turn R stepping right forward, recover on left, step right back (1:30 )
3&4Step left back, 1/8 turn R stepping right to side, cross left over right ( 3:00 )
56&Point right to side, hold, step right together
7&8Point left to side, step left together, point right to side

[17-24] Rock, Together, Back, Back, Coaster Step, 1/2 Turn L Back Shuffle
12&Rock right forward with rolling your body, recover on left, step right together
34Step left back, step right back
5&6Step left back, step right together, step left forward
7&81/4 Turn L step right to side, step left together, 1/4 turn L stepping right back ( 9:00 )

[25-32] Back, Touch, Out,Out, In, Cross, Side Mambo, Side Mambo
12Step left back, touch right toe forward
&3&4Step right out, step left out, step right in, cross left over right
5&6Rock right to side, recover on left, step right together
7&8Rock left to side, recover on right, step left together

Tag1: After on wall 3 (3:00)、wall 6 (6:00) & wall 9 (9:00)
[1-6] Fwd Mambo, Back Mambo, Touch Toe, Touch Heel
1&2Rock right forward, recover on left, step right together
3&4Rock left back, recover on right, step left together
5 6Same as the count 1 to 2 of the dance

Tag2: After on wall 5 (9:00) & wall 8 (12:00)
1 2Touch Toe, Touch Heel
3 4Same as the count 1 to 2 of the dance

Have Fun!

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