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Faithful Soul
Steps: 90 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate waltz Musik: Faiths Song by Celtic Woman (album Ancient Land) (iTunes & Amazon) Kunstner: Koreograf: Gary OReilly & Maggie Gallagher (October 2019) Intro: 24 counts on vocals S1: L FWD BASIC STEP, BACK, CROSS, BACK 1-2-3Big step forward on left, Step right next to left, Step left in place next to right 4-5-6Slightly angling body to 1:30 step back on right, Cross left over right, Step back on right [1:30] S2: L BACK DRAG HOOK, CROSS, BACK, ¼ 1-2-3Big step back on left slightly angling body to 10:30, Drag right to meet left, Hook right in front of left [10:30] 4-5-6Cross right over left, Step back on left straightening up to 12:00, ¼ right stepping right to right side [3:00] S3: L TWINKLE, CROSS ¼ ½ 1-2-3Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Step left to left side 4-5-6Cross right over left, ¼ right stepping back on left, ½ right stepping forward on right [12:00] S4: WALK, SWEEP, R TWINKLE 1-2-3Walk forward on left, Ronde sweep right from back to front over 2 counts 4-5-6Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Step right to right side angling body to 1:30 [1:30] S5: WALK, BRUSH, BRUSH, WALK, STEP ½ PIVOT 1-2-3Walk forward on left, Brush right foot forward, Brush right foot across left 4-5-6Walk forward on right, Step forward on left, ½ pivot right [7:30] S6: WALK, BRUSH, BRUSH, CROSS, SIDE ROCK 1-2-3Walk forward on left, Brush right foot forward, Brush right foot across left 4-5-6Cross right over left, ⅛right rocking left to left side, Recover on right [9:00] S7: CROSS, HOLD, HOLD, BACK, SIDE ROCK 1-2-3Cross left over right, HOLD for two counts (right leg is stretched with toe pointed back) 4-5-6Step back on right, Rock left to left side, Recover on right S8: L TWINKLE, CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND 1-2-3Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Step left to left side 4-5-6Cross right over left, Step left to left side, Cross right behind left S9: SIDE, POINT R, HOLD, ROLLING VINE 1-2-3Big left step to left side, Point right to right side, HOLD looking left 4-5-6¼ right stepping forward on right, ½ right stepping back on left, ¼ right stepping right to right side S10: SLOW ½ PIVOT R, CROSS SIDE ROCK 1-2-3⅛ right stepping forward on left [10:30], ½ pivot right keeping the weight back on left over 2 counts [4:30] 4-5-6Cross right over left, Rock left to left side, Recover on right S11: CROSS, POINT R, HOLD, CROSS, SIDE ROCK 1-2-3Cross left over right, Point right to right side, HOLD [4:30] 4-5-6Cross right over left, ⅛ right rocking left to left side, Recover on right [6:00] S12: CROSS, HITCH BEHIND, BACK, SIDE ROCK 1-2-3Cross left over right, Hitch right knee hooking right toe behind left, HOLD 4-5-6Big step back on right, Rock left to left side, Recover on right S13: BACK, SIDE ROCK, R COASTER 1-2-3Big step back on left, Rock right to right side, Recover on left 4-5-6Step back on right, Step left next to right, Step forward on right S14: STEP, ½, TOGETHER, BACK, ½, TOGETHER 1-2-3Step forward left, ½ left stepping back on right, Close left next to right [12:00] 4-5-6Step back on right, ½ left stepping forward on left, Close right next to left [6:00] *Restart Wall 1 S15: STEP, TOUCH, HOLD, BACK, TOUCH, HOLD 1-2-3Step forward on left, Touch right next to left, HOLD 4-5-6Step back on right, Touch left next to right, HOLD Tag Wall 2 *RESTART: Wall 1 after 84 counts (drop last 6 counts of the dance) (facing 6:00) TAG: After Wall 2 repeat last 6 counts of the dance (S15) (facing 12:00) ENDING: Wall 6 dance the first 6 counts, ⅝ left stepping forward on the left, Sweep right over left Contacts:- Maggie Gallagher: Gary O’Reilly: 00353857819808 Last Update - 22 Oct. 2019