Linedance Portalen |
Won't act my age
Steps: 66 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Phrased Steptacular Advanced Musik: Act My Age – One Direction Kunstner: Koreograf: Alison Biggs & Peter Metelnick (TheDanceFactoryUK) April 2015 Start after he says 1-2-3-4 (very quick intro only 2 secs) – 3mins 18secs – Parts A, B, C = 144bpm – Part D = 68bpm (NC2) Sequence: .1st time starting facing front: 2A, 2B, 2C, 1D .2nd time starting facing back: A, B, 2C, 2D .3rd time starting facing front: 2A, NO B, 2C – with TAG, 2D, EXTRA STEPS .4th time starting facing front: 2A, Strike a pose! A [1-8] Step/stomp R & L apart, R ball step, R fwd, L fwd, ½ R pivot turn, L fwd shuffle 1-2Step/stomp R apart, step/stomp L apart &3-4Step R in, step L together, step R forward 5-6Step L forward, pivot ½ right 7&8Step L forward, step R together, step L forward [9-16] R & L apart, R in, L kick ball change, L fwd rock/recover, L coaster &1-2Step R apart, step L apart, step R in 3&4Kick L forward, step L together, step R forward 5-6Rock L forward, recover weight on R 7&8Step L back, step R together, step L forward B [1-4] Step R side, touch L together, L chassé 1-2Step R side, touch L together 3&4Step L side, step R together, step L side C [1-8] R chassé, L cross rock & recover, ¼ L shuffle, ½ L shuffle 1&2Step R side, step L together, step R side 3-4Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R 5&6Turning ¼ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward 3rd Time through TAG: Facing the back wall dance 1st 6 counts, then add the following 2 counts: 1-2Turning ¼ left to face front wall step/stomp R to side, step/stomp L to left and then dance D 7&8Turning ½ left step R back, step L together, step R back [9-16] ½ L shuffle, R fwd rock/recover, R coaster cross, L side, hold, R together 1&2Turning ½ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward 3-4Rock R forward, recover weight on L 5&6Step R back, step L together, cross step R over L 7-8&Step L side, hold, step R together, [17-24] L side, R together, L side, hold, R together, L side rock/recover, L cross shuffle 1-2Step L side, step R together 3-4&Step L side, hold, step R together 5-6Rock L side, recover weight on R 7&8Cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R [25-32] ¼ L shuffle, ½ L shuffle, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, R kick ball cross 1&2Turning ¼ left step R back, step L together, step R back 3&4Turning ½ left step L forward, step R together, step L forward 5-6Step R forward, pivot ½ left 7&8Kick R forward, step R back, cross step L over R D [1-8] R night club basic, ¼ L, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, ¼ L & R side, L behind, R side, L cross rock & recover, L side, R together 1-2&Step R side, rock L back, recover weight on R 3-4&Turning ¼ left step L forward, step R forward, pivot ½ left 5-6&Turning ¼ left step R side, cross step L behind R, step R side 7&8&Cross rock L over R, recover weight on R, step L to left side, step R together [9-14] L fwd box, L coaster, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn 1-2&3Step L forward, step R side, step L together, step R back 4&5Step L back, step R together, step L forward 6&Step R forward, pivot ½ left 3rd time – EXTRA STEPS, at the end of the last D you need to mark time before dancing A once more: 1-2Step R forward, step L forward Then hold for a SLIGHT PAUSE and listen for the group to say “hey” and then dance A (takes just a wee bit of practice!) one more time. Contact ~ Tel: 01462 735778 - Email: - Website: