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Personlig hitliste uge 18


Dans navn nr 1 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 2 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 3 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 4 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 5 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 6 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 7 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 8 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 9 (Niveau/steps/Walls)


Dans navn nr 10 (Niveau/steps/Walls)

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On A Roll

Steps: 48             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Improver
Musik: On A Roll by SugarLand - iTunes etc…      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rob Fowler & Tina Argyle – June 2018

Count In : 16 counts from start of track

S1: Rock back, recover. Full turn travelling fwd. Shuffle Fwd. Step ¼ Turn.
1-2Rock back right, recover weight onto left
3-4Make ½ turn left stepping back right, make ½ turn left stepping fwd left
5&6Step fwd right, close left at side of right, step fwd right
7-8Step fwd left, make ¼ turn right onto right (3 o’clock)

S2: Cross Side. Behind Side Cross. Side Rock Recover. Cross & Heel
1-2Cross left over right, step right to right side
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6Rock right to right side, recover onto left
7&8Cross right over left, step left in place, touch right heel to right diagonal

S3: & Touch & Heel. & Cross Rock recover. Chasse ¼ Turn. ½ Pivot Turn.
&1Still facing diagonal step right in place, touch left at side of right
&2Step left in place, touch right heel to right diagonal for a second time
&3,4Step right in place, rock left over right, recover weight onto right
5&6Step left to left side, step right at side of left. Make ¼ left stepping fwd left. (12 o’clock)
7-8Step fwd right, make ½ turn left onto left. (6 o’clock)

S4: R Shuffle Fwd. Full Turn Fwd. Rock Fwd, Recover. Jazz Jump Back, Hold with double clap.
1&Step fwd right, close left at side of right, step fwd right
3-4make 1/2 right stepping back left, make 1/2 turn right stepping fwd right
5-6Rock fwd left, recover
&7Step back left, step back right at side of left with feet apart
&8Hold footwork and double clap on &8
*** Re Start here during Wall 5 (The rapping wall lol!) restart facing 6 o’clock ***

S5: Switching Heel & Toe ¼ Turn. Switching Heel & Toe ½ Turn.
1&2Touch right heel fwd, step right in place and touch left toe back
&3Make ¼ turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back, (3 o’clock)
&4Step right in place touch left heel fwd
&5&6Step left In Place, touch right heel fwd, step right in place and touch left toe back
&7&8Make ½ turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back, step right in place, touch left heel fwd (9 o’clock)

S6: Rock Fwd, Recover. Coaster Step. ½ Pivot Turn, ½ Shuffle Turn.
&1-2Step left in place, rock fwd right, recover
3&4Step back right, step left at side of right, step fwd right
5-6Step fwd left, make ½ right onto right
7&8Make ½ turn right shuffle back left, right, left

*** Re – start during wall 5 see point in step description. ***

Last Update - 1st July 2018



Youtube Video

On A Roll

Youtube Video

On A Roll

Youtube Video

On A Roll

Youtube Video

On A Roll